速報APP / 娛樂 / Handcent ECard

Handcent ECard





版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本



聯絡地址:Room 705-706,7/F China Insurance Group Building,NO.141 Des Voeux Road Centernal HongKong

Handcent ECard(圖1)-速報App

Powered by Handcent,the creator of popular messaging application "Handcent SMS".

Send greeting cards to your friends, family and loved ones with ease!

Handcent ECard(圖2)-速報App

Send personalized messages of holidays,birthday and congratulations. Simply select your card from any category and combine this with a message and image of your choice.

> Choose from a wide selection of free cards

Handcent ECard(圖3)-速報App

> Cards update automatically to suit every occasion

> Select your own images from your gallery

Handcent ECard(圖4)-速報App

> applying filters to images

> Customize your messages,font size,colors visually

Handcent ECard(圖5)-速報App

> Easy share greeting card to Facebook,twitter,sina weibo

included 100+ ecards already at many categories ( birthday,holiday,emotion,cartoon,animal...)

Handcent ECard(圖6)-速報App